Direct Sales can be a great source of income if you’re too sick to be employed outside the home.
If you are living with a disability, disorder, disease or caring for someone with such, you know how difficult it can be, if not impossible, to work outside the home. Qualifying for disability income can be a real challenge maneuvering through their extensive, exhausting, process.
Perhaps you previously considered direct sales, being an independent consultant representing a company that sells candles, purses, jewelry, food, kitchen items, etc., but know that you’re not feeling up to conducting home parties. If this describes you, please keep reading. I may have some information that will be helpful to you.
Most direct sales companies now allow you to sell using other platforms than just home parties. You’ll have to check with individual company policies, but most will let you sell online, one on one, at vendor events or conducting fundraisers. The direct sales industry affords consultants much flexibility when and how much you work. You’d be an independent business owner, so you’d work as much as you’re able or as much as you choose.
I know what I’m talking about because I am a PWD (person with a disability) and I have a successful direct sales business and I have not conducted one home party with my current company that I started with in 2006. I have a neurological issue that prevents me from scheduling events outside the home. I am able to support my family as a single parent on my direct sales income.
Perhaps you are already on SSDI and can only earn a certain amount without jeopardizing your benefits. Direct sales gives you the ability to work as much or as little as you’re able or as you choose. So if you know you can make up to $700 per month without it negatively affecting your benefits, then you can just work so that you don’t go over that amount.
I work my business entirely online. It is the harder way to go. If you can get home parties or if you’re able to do them, you’re getting a group of people together at one time to make purchases at one time. That’s the best method. However sometimes we have to work with what we have, and conducting home parties isn’t always possible. Working my direct selling business online, I have to get sales one at a time, instead of together at one event. But whatever works, right? To learn more about how I work my biz online see this post.
My point though is that don’t think you only have to do home parties if you’re in direct sales. There are options that you may be able to work around, depending on how frequently or how severe your medical challenge is. I know for me, if I absolutely need to be out of the house and functional for a couple hours at a time, I have some medication I can take. I don’t like to because it takes me a few days to recuperate after taking those meds, but it’s a periodic option. Perhaps you can periodically work a vendor event or you can get yourself out of the house to go to the post office.
I have a team full of independent consultants who have medical challenges. Within our group, we have cancer, auto-immune issues, narcolepsy, Lupus, CFS, parents of special needs kiddos and I suspect a host of other medical challenges that I don’t even know about. Consultants are finding ways to earn money from home regardless of medical challenges.
One last comment I wanted to make about working with a disability. It saddens me when I hear some say that they would try it, but they don’t want to lose their benefit by making too much money. I have a hard time with the concept of not wanting to make “too much money”. If you’re able to work your direct sales to a level where you’re earning substantial income – how can that be anything but a good thing? Wouldn’t you rather be self-sufficient and know that despite your medical challenges you’re able to find a way to take care of yourself, rather than be on the government roles? If you’re concerned you’ll lose your medicare benefits, if you’re making a substantial income, you can purchase your own health insurance. Just my two cents on that issue.
What do you think? Perhaps there is a way you can work around your disability, disease or disorder and still earn some income from home – even if it’s just extra money to pay for prescriptions. Those certainly can get expensive, can’t they? Ready to give it a try? Learn more here.
About the Author: Laurie Ayers is a Michigan work from home mom and a Superstar Director with Scentsy Wickless Candles. She enjoys helping men and women start and maintain a home based business in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Australia, Austria, Poland, Spain, France, Germany, Ireland and the UK. To download a FREE Start Up Guide which provides more details about how to start a home business as well as to learn about our compensation plan go to
I’m on disability and will get medicare next year cause my fiancee and I are paying $125 a week for my benefits but I want to sell scentsy but says that what you make every month you have to tell them so they can subtract the total every month! So can you but stuff for yourself and family as long as you’re not making money from them and would I still end up making commuinsation or would I just get points to get free product?? If you could answer my questions would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!
Hi Cindy, everything you sell or purchase you do earn commission on; that’s the great news. Some have been able to get off disability or greatly reduce their reliance on government all by blessed because of Scentsy. So even if your disability pay is cut because you earned that amount with Scentsy, what a great feeling to be able to do it on your own.
I have really bad Social Anxiety so would I be able to sell Scentsy and still get Disability?
Scentsy allows us to sell online as well as off, so if marketing your business online works better for you, we have guidelines that permit that. As far as disability income – it is my understanding that recipients may be allowed to earn up to a certain amount before it negatively impacts SSDI. I am not familiar with the specifics of how that works, though I suspect a case worker may be able to provide more insight.