“I work out once a week, and I don’t drink that much soda anymore, yet I’m not losing any weight! This diet doesn’t work.”
If someone said the above to you, it would be obvious that the diet was not the problem.
Yet some consultants will join Scentsy, get their starter kit, maybe tell some family and friends about it (their warm market) and then figure some social media blasts ought to give them good results.

Then after only a few short months they’ll inaccurately proclaim, “Scentsy didn’t work.” Or some have even suggested they felt duped by their sponsor because “it is not fun nor easy for them.”
There’s nothing wrong with the direct sales selling model. It’s not that Scentsy doesn’t work, it’s that the consultant isn’t working it. Or certainly not working it as intended.
Is being a Scentsy consultant fun? It certainly can be. Is it easy? No, or everyone would be doing it. But it is an easy sell, providing the consultant is doing the work, and sharing it with others and asking for the business.
Just like a diet or exercise, or anything else that can give good results, it requires consistency and dedication. Those who put in part time effort will get, at best, only part time results.
Before you decide Scentsy isn’t for you, be honest with yourself and determine if maybe you’re only working out once a week and just having a little bit of soda. If you need help, support, encouragement, training, then reach out to your upline. That’s what they’re there for.
Years ago my mom and I saw exercise guru Richard Simmons when he came to Grand Rapids to do some motivational speaking and a community exercise session. If you don’t know who he is, ask your mom, or look him up.
Anyway, one thing he said has never left me, “It took you more than ten M&Ms to get those thighs. It’s going to take more than ten leg lifts to get rid of them!”
You can do it! Keep Going! Do another set of ten!
Thinking about joining Scentsy? Let’s talk, contact me here.
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