Q: “What if the Scentsy party doesn’t reach minimum 200 PRV?”

It really isn’t hard to achieve the minimum amount IF the host and the consultant work together. People know more people than they think. You’d be amazed at how many people will share a link if you just ASK them. Whether they themselves buy or not, most will share your link on at least one of their social media platforms. Someone can take a book to work to collect orders. Someone will ask them mom, etc.
What I sometimes see happen when parties have few orders is because of the way the invitation to host was originally suggested to the host. The consultant tries to get hosts who will do HER a favor by hosting a party. That’s backwards. When this happens, the host isn’t vested and won’t hustle to get orders. She’ll let the consultant do all the work.
Whereas the consultant’s job is to facilitate and help the host get the orders. The consultant serves as a coach, guide, mentor to help the host achieve her goal. That’s where good host coaching and follow-up is vital.
Decide and commit that the party WILL reach a minimum 200 PRV. You just may need to get out of your comfort zone to make it happen.
*Her and she referenced above could easily be Him and he … Scentsy is a family friendly business complete with male consultants, hosts and customers.
p.s. If the party doesn’t reach the minimum you can’t close it out as a party. They’re just individual orders at that point so no host rewards are available. You can leave it open until it reaches 200 or enter them separately as individual orders and cancel the party.
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