In continuing with the Working Smarter, Not Harder series, remember that having more people to manage doesn’t have to mean working more hours. In order to survive being the leader of a large organization you need to eliminate, mitigate and delegate duties that are not the best use of your valuable time.
This blog started as a way for me to answer questions before they were asked. While I appreciate the kudos for providing a wealth of information, it’s really here to save me time in answering individual questions on a routine basis.
For example, one FAQ I get is from potential recruits who want to work their direct sales business using Internet Marketing (yet frequently these same people have zero IM knowledge and want me to teach them everything I’ve learned over the decade). It didn’t take me long to figure out I was eating up a large chunk of my time responding to this same question. Thus the post: My Online Direct Sales Business was developed to answer these questions.
Another question that can be time consuming to respond to is How do you make samples? Voila – the answer is right here. [Read more…] about Working Smarter – Pt. 2 Automate the Answers