Every time consultants are up for termination due to inactivity I hear it: “I can’t afford to keep my [xyz direct sales] business, so I’m going to quit or I’m going to be terminated.”
I don’t understand that logic.
If you are struggling financially, and you already own a direct sales business, and also have access to great products that you can share and sell “¦ and earn money by doing so – why would you quit that? Isn’t that the answer to prayer? Isn’t this a solution to help you out financially? A few more crazy comments I hear:
“My husband doesn’t get paid until Friday.”
Not sure what a spouse’s payday has to do with your ability to pick up the phone and make some sales to save your account – unless of course the phone has been shut off due to failure to pay the bill. Then I’d high tail it to the public library to use the free internet. That way you can send emails and set up an online party. Then you can save your business and then continue so sell so that you can pay the phone bill.
“I can’t afford to stay a consultant.” [Read more…] about Can’t Afford Not to Stay a Consultant