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Scentsy Business
LA’s Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Join Scentsy
Top 10 Reasons to Join Scentsy
10. Work as much or as little as you want. What kind of jobby job offers you that freedom?
9. Buy from yourself and receive commission (a rebate) on all your own purchases.
8. Earn extra play money or earn enough to support your family – both are possible. No monthly minimums.
7. No matter where you live or to where you move, you can take your business with you.
6. Product quality is 2nd to none – something you can stand behind and be proud of. Nothing sells itself, but Scentsy products are an easy sell.
5. Parent company is family friendly and offers plenty of prize incentives including all-expense paid trips.
4. Liberal freedom in how you choose to work your business – online, vendor events, home parties, fundraisers, one on one – your choice.
3. Be an independent business owner with an industry leading, award winning company with brand recognition and professionally crafted marketing collateral.
2. Choice of products – if you’re not a candle person, then sell our diffusers and essential oils. Or focus on our kids line or our laundry products.
1. Access to unmatched training tools that give you absolutely everything you need to be successful. You may be in business for yourself, but never by yourself.
The above list is just a sampling of all the benefits to being an independent consultant with Scentsy. There are plenty of other marvelous reasons why you should join Scentsy. I’m ready, willing and able to answer all your questions or to support you as you start your own Scentsy business. To learn more about me click here and to get started today click here.
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About the Author: Laurie Ayers is a Michigan work from home mom and a Superstar Director with Scentsy Wickless Candles. She enjoys helping men and women start and maintain a home based business in the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Germany, Ireland, UK, France, Austria and Spain. To download a FREE Start Up Guide which provides more details about how to start a home business as well as to learn about our compensation plan go to
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Scentsy Sponsor Who Never Gave Up
Ready to join Scentsy with a sponsor who is both a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and a Superstar Director? I can help you build a strong business and help you keep on keeping on, even when it gets tough. I’ve been there. I’ve done it. I am committed. I can help.
High Unemployment Means Home Business is on the Rise
Want a recession proof job? Think home based business.
The latest reports show the national unemployment rate of 8.3. There are currently fourteen states that have an unemployment rate of 9% or higher. Those unfortunate states are Indiana, New Jersey, Kentucky, Michigan, South Carolina, Georgia, Illinois, Florida, North Carolina, District of Columbia, Mississippi, Rhode Island, California and Nevada.
According to a Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2011 report released last week, about 12.3% of Americans are considered entrepreneurs by the GEM measure. “The boost in U.S. entrepreneurship is somewhat of a mixed indicator, signaling that while the economy is improving, some people are turning to entrepreneurship because it’s becoming evident that some jobs may never come back.”
This explains why more entrepreneurial spirits are working from home and starting a direct sales business; presently 15.8 million people in the U.S. are involved in direct selling. Of those sellers, 85% report a good, very good or excellent experience with direct selling. With businesses closing their doors, employees showing up for work only to learn their positions have been eliminated and hundreds of applicants vying for one open position, work from home representing a direct sales company makes perfect sense for both men and women. [Read more…] about High Unemployment Means Home Business is on the Rise