Scentsy Business
Recruiting, Sponsoring, Mentoring
Scented Masterminds at Work
This week I am working at Scentsy headquarters with approximately 40 others leaders who earned the Annual Mentor Award. We are brainstorming and collaborating on the subjects of recruiting and sponsoring. It’s an honor to be here helping to keep our company moving forward.
I love that Scentsy is asking those in the field with a proven track record for advice, input and suggestions. Too many places create policy and programs from their ivory tower and don’t take into consideration “life on the street, where the rubber meets the road.”
Best Recruiting, Sponsoring Mentoring Advice All Week
It’s been enlightening hearing what other leaders do or say. I wish I knew who to credit this gem below to. I’m sure it was one of our Rockstar consultants who said it. It’s my all-time favorite “THIS!” moment so far. As it relates to how to best recruit new team members:
I’m not a hunter with my spear, going after people. I’m feeding the birds.
Then envision hands cupped together, palms upward, outstretched arms, offering a handful of seeds to all who are in the area. It’s a much gentler, welcomed approach. Simply share what you love and connect with people. It really is that simple.
Isn’t that fabulous?
Have You Considered Joining Scentsy?
If you have thought about joining Scentsy, but haven’t yet, what’s holding you back? Whether you want to earn $50 a month, or $5,000+, or need at outlet to get out for adult time, or want to earn free trips, or some other reason, Scentsy can be that for you.
Want to chat a bit to see if it might be right for you? Hit me up.
What Happens If I Can’t Meet Minimum Sales Requirement?
Scentsy doesn’t have any monthly sales volume requirements to stay a consultant. However, there is a certain amount of sales that need to be achieved over a three-month period. Before joining Scentsy, potential joiners often ask “What happens if I can’t meet the minimum requirement?
200 PRV
To remain a Scentsy consultant, we must have a minimum of 200 PRV, all in one calendar month, to occur at least once every twelve months.
In the United States, 200 PRV (Personal Retail [sales] Volume) is generally equal to $200. There are a few exceptions, though for ease of understanding, think $200.
The 200 can come from one order, or it can come from a number of orders, as long as it’s achieved all in one calendar month. This is calculated off retail sales, not host rewards.
The 200 requirement isn’t spread out across twelve months, but all in one calendar month.
A qualified party is 200 PRV. At this amount, host rewards of free product credit and 50% off product kick in. That’s why our requirement is 200 in one month, not cumulative.
But What If?
It’s not too difficult to reach this minimum, providing you are personally sharing Scentsy and not just doing social media blasts, waiting for orders to come to you. However, if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent you from maintaining this volume, that’s understandable.
If you go twelve months in a row without having a 200-month, your consultant contract will be canceled on the first of the thirteenth month. But that doesn’t need to be the end of your Scentsy days. When you’re in a better place and ready to try again, you can request a reinstatement by contacting Account Services. There is no cost to return, and when your request is granted, you’ll be given a time frame to submit a qualified party.
Re-Join Scentsy
You wouldn’t be rejoining, you’d be reinstating. Each consultant is only permitted one starter kit per lifetime. If you try to rejoin on a consultant website, it likely won’t go through for you, as your SSN is already in our system. That is where the reinstatement comes in. Once your account is reactivated, you’ll have access to the Scentsy Family Store if you want to pick up current scent testers, catalogs or other marketing materials or a reinstatement kit.
Choose Your Sponsor
Reinstated consultants are able to choose a sponsor. It can be the same person you were with previously, or it can be a different consultant. If you want to remain with your former consultant, but that consultant is no longer with Scentsy, then you’ll be placed with your former sponsor’s upline (his or her sponsor).
Nothing to Lose
The way I see it, you have nothing to lose. In the United States, Scentsy starter kits are currently $99, plus $10 shipping and local sales tax. You’ll be getting nearly $300 worth of items and product in your kit, including a candle warmer, candle wax and scent testers for each of our current scents.
If you try Scentsy and it doesn’t work out for you, you have a new warmer and wax, and can melt all of your scent testers and be well supplied in wax for a while. Then when the timing is better, come back and give it another try.
Here’s Your Sign
If you’re looking for a sign, trying to decide if you should join or not, here’s your sign. Throw your hat over the fence. Jump in. Give it a try. Say Yes! Join Scentsy today at
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Thinking of Joining Scentsy?
Whether you’re looking for a new career, some extra income or you have a need to work from home for a host of reasons, you’re in the right place. If you’re considering Scentsy, you’re in the right place because I am dedicated to helping scent lovers start and succeed in business.
Global Wax Melts Market to Reach $6.4 Billion by 2025 – Growing Demand for Aromatherapy & Air Fresheners – Research and Markets
Work Your Scentsy Business In Your Own Way
While most direct sales companies are set up to use the party plan platform to sell products, there are other alternative methods to running your home business besides through home parties. Your home business could also consist of activities such as internet marketing, online social networking, online parties, vendor events, face to face, setting up displays, basket (catalog) parties, fundraisers and internet marketing.
Scentsy Consultants earn commission from the sale of retail products.
As a consultant advances in rank and builds an organization, additional leadership bonuses are available. When researching home based business compensation plans make sure you understand the pay structure. They are not all created equal. Most party plans, including Scentsy are based on a two-tiered compensation plan.
A Direct Sales home based business opportunity is perfect for anyone.
Some Consultants join to have some extra shopping money. For others, having their own home business allows them to make a car payment, mortgage payment, or gives them the ability to quit a part- or full-time job and work from home. There are no scripts, no right or wrong way to hold your parties. If you equate direct sales to a traditional home party and are not thrilled by that prospect, no worries. There are plenty of alternatives to home parties. Simply build your home based business in the way that works best for you!*
Selecting a sponsor is an important decision before you start your Scentsy candle business.
You owe it to yourself to thoroughly research and interview potential sponsors. That’s where I can help. Here you will find a plethora of articles and resources about starting, maintaining and thriving in your new direct sales home based business. You will also find information about my own knowledge, skills and abilities as an experience work from home senior ranking direct sales Superstar Director.
I love to talk about everything Scentsy and can’t wait to share it with you. Let’s chat!
Laurie Ayers
Independent Scentsy Superstar Director
Click Here Learn More About Me
Direct Sales for Fun
Most people join direct sales to have fun and to save a little or earn a little extra money.
Being casual and a part time or person use seller with direct sales is perfectly okay. That’s what most consultants do.
Did you know that 2% or less of the consultants in direct sales hit top leadership ranks? It’s not because they can’t or that it’s too difficult. It’s generally because that was never their goal.
People join direct sales for a season. Some stick around 3, 6 or 9 months. Others stay a consultant for a few years. And some make a full-time career with their DS business.
No one is a failure
I’ve been in direct sales almost 30 years. I’ve seen a lot in this industry. One of the saddest misunderstandings I see is consultants feeling like a failure.
Some sponsors feel like a failure because their team members quit.
Some consultants feel like a failure because they quit something they were once excited about.
Being a direct sales consultant has many benefits – one being that it’s easy to get into. Because it’s easy to join a DS company, it’s equally as easy for some to walk away. That’s okay. It has nothing to do with being a failure.