Most people join direct sales to have fun and to save a little or earn a little extra money.
Being casual and a part time or person use seller with direct sales is perfectly okay. That’s what most consultants do.
Did you know that 2% or less of the consultants in direct sales hit top leadership ranks? It’s not because they can’t or that it’s too difficult. It’s generally because that was never their goal.
People join direct sales for a season. Some stick around 3, 6 or 9 months. Others stay a consultant for a few years. And some make a full-time career with their DS business.
No one is a failure
I’ve been in direct sales almost 30 years. I’ve seen a lot in this industry. One of the saddest misunderstandings I see is consultants feeling like a failure.
Some sponsors feel like a failure because their team members quit.
Some consultants feel like a failure because they quit something they were once excited about.
Being a direct sales consultant has many benefits – one being that it’s easy to get into. Because it’s easy to join a DS company, it’s equally as easy for some to walk away. That’s okay. It has nothing to do with being a failure.