Similarities Between Putting the Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle Together and Being a Scentsy Consultant
Problem Solving
I know that I need a black flat piece with an innie on the left and an outtie on the right. Now all I have to do it find that piece. I have to actively look for it. Also whether I’m working on my Scentsy website or overcoming prospect objections, I have to actively look for exactly what I need.
Just one more piece; I just need to find the one with the pink tip, and then I can stop. How many times, as home business owners do we find ourselves working on something but we stop before we complete the task? We need to keep on keeping on until we find that one piece we are looking for.
Sharpen the Saw
Ever look into a pile of puzzle pieces, pick one up and set it exactly where it belongs, almost instantly? I have. It’s a very satisfying feeling to accomplish that. Working on jigsaw puzzles sharpens your hand eye coordination that can be used in many areas of your business.
Do What You Love
I enjoy putting together jigsaw puzzles. That’s why I do them. I know many people who are not “puzzle people.” If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, why do it? Same goes for your chosen vocation or business you choose to work from home.
Okay, I have to go now because I have a small pile of black and white checked pieces for me to meld together. I think it’s a pair of chef’s pants, but I’ll let you know for sure.