Will Brake for Garage Sales
Some independent direct sales consultants have a garage sale mentality when it comes to recruiting new team members. See if you are one of them:
- You either target particular garage sales, yard sales, church sales, neighborhood sales or estate sales based on ads you’ve seen on Craig’s List or other advertising platforms – or as you are just headed down the street you stumble upon a sale.
- You evaluate the signage. If it is large and brightly colored, you decide it might be a good sale. If it is small and looks like chicken scratch, you figure it was just thrown together and probably won’t be very good.
- When you see the sign, you slow down to look down the street to see if the sale is visible or if you’ll have to venture down the street to seek out the location.
- When you get to the sale you slow down to look from your car to determine if it looks good enough to get out.
- If you see baby items out front, and you are not in the market for any baby items, you decide it must not contain any good treasures in which you have any interest, so you keep going.
- If the sale is staged well or if you see some big items that catch your eye from the street you decide to park and get your bum out of the car.
- If you do get out only finding there was nothing of interest to you, you silently curse to yourself that it was a waste of your time and energy to go look at that junk.
Do you recognize yourself in any of those descriptions? I sure do. Even though I am well aware that by making such unfounded judgments I am probably missing out on some gem that was available to me, I still repeatedly engage in some of these actions.