Some say that using peppermint oil around your home can repel mice. Others say that is a myth and it doesn’t work.
I cannot say definitively one way or another if using peppermint oil around your home works to repel mice. But my personal opinion is that if there is a chance it works, I’m using it.
To be clear: I am not making any claim that peppermint oil, Scentsy or otherwise, can repel mice. Hear me out.
I have a phobia of mice. I don’t mean I don’t like them; or that they scare me. I mean on a scale of 1 – 10, ten being the worst, I have a mice phobia of about a 50.
I know cognitively that it is ridiculous. Yet, it is what it is and I sold a house because of a mouse. True story. I found out there was one in the house. I called my realtor friend to tell him I wanted to sell the house and I was dead serious. Eighteen hours later he brought a perspective buyer through and less than 24 hours after the sighting I agreed to the offer. THAT’S how much I am unable to cope with mice.
I also cannot share with you the research for and against whether or not peppermint oil or peppermint teabags repels mice because that would require me to see images and read about the rodents. I did however see in a cursory glance of DuckDuckGo search results that those articles that say it does not work, are listed on exterminator websites. So … take that for what it is worth.
You can do your own research to determine if peppermint oil can repel mice. If you choose to give it a try, I would also encourage you to give Scentsy Peppermint Essential Oil a try.
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